Sunday, May 29, 2011

So little time, so much to do

Spring came early and all the things and work covered by snow was revealed.
The lawn filled with all but grass, so much dandelion and other unwanted plants. Culminated in a strong attack with Roundup to remove it all, unfortunately also some of the grass so now I had to so new grass. 2 years ago we drained around our house, to do this we had to remove a large terrace. Now this is to be rebuild, but first I must make another trench (1m by 6m and 0,6m deep) to drain some more water coming from the terrain above our house making sure it will not affect the pillars holding the new terrace. Another terrace needed a new floor, the terrace around the pool needed a wash and new paint, and I need to grind the pool and repaint it.
The trees and the hedge of course needed a trim. Two 15m spruces was taken down. SO LITTLE TIME, SO MUCH TO DO!