Friday, July 24, 2009


Twitter seems to be the latest "hype".
All seem to use it for short notices and updates of their lives.
I will probably not be using it too much, but never the less wantet to give it a try :-)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Much has happend since I last wrote in this blogg.
and I have no intention to write about this as I would take to much time and space for one published story.

Eline Natalie is now 1 year and 3 months. She walked useing here trolley at 9 months, but didn't really let go before she turned 1 year. And now we have a full time keeping up.
Watching here grow up, turning into a girl from being a baby is fantastic, even if it's harder to sit down and just cuddle, she hardly sit still for 10 sec :-)

This picture is taken in the garden at Château de Versailles during our trip to Paris. We went to Paris the first weekend of May and stayed for 5 days, too little to see it all, but more than enough to know that we want to go back some day soon.

These past days we have had fantastic weather with close to 30 degree celcius, almost to hot but we shouldn't complain about the temperature when we struggle with close to 9 months of winter. I have filled the pool and the local beach is only 10 minuttes walk away. We didn't spend any time at the beach last year since Eline was too small, but this summer we will make sure to use it more.