Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Danish wedding

My mother in law has met her man!

We spent the weekend in Sæby, a small town near Fredrikshavn in Denmark, where Oddrun and Ove, the newly wedds, live together.
It's only a few hours away by ferry boat and car.  Today the ferry takes about 4,5 hours, but when the new ferries are set in service the trip will decres to approximately 2,5 hours.
The ferry departure from Kristiansand (N) and arrives in Hirtshals (Dk). From Hirtshals there is about 45 min by car to Sæby.
Ove has two married daughters and 5 grandchildren so our family has grown quite a bit over the weekend :-)

Monday, February 4, 2008


As promissed to my english  readers I will continue writing some stories in English. This happend on Saturday. It was a wonderful day, the sun stood 
high and bright and Ellen and I wanted to have a picknic with her 
sister Berit, her husband Jarle and their two lovely boys, 
Sondre (4,5) and Simon(1,5). Jarle had to drive me to work where I last night had left my car.
On my way home I made a short stop to tank some gas.
Hughe mistake!!
After just 10 meters my car started to "cough" and then stoped. 
I could not understand what was wrong, I tried to start it again 
but got no response.  I thought the fuelpump of my car had broken and didn't pump fuel to the engine. So I called for help from 
a local rescue car and sat waiting in my car. After a while I got 
bored and got out. I then noticed two other cars standing at a bus
stop just a few yards away and thought I'd go ask if they had problems as well. It turned out they had experienced the same as I had. It was clear the problem was the fuel and not the cars. I called the local supervicor of the unmanned Statoil station and asked him to come up and shut down the station and to check the tanks. I also started to tell all that arrived at the station that they should go somewhere else to get fuel. After a while the supervisor arrived and we had my suspicion confirmed. there was diesel in the petrol tank and vica versa. I was promissed to be contacted to sort out how I could get compensation and get refund for any expences needed to fix my car. My car was then towed to the nearest car repair and was picked up by Jarle, who had driven me to work in the first place to get my car.

The story is found in several norwegian newspapers of today.