Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I helgen var vi tilbake til vårt kjære Bergen. Planen var å pusse opp stue og soverom, men når jeg først startet ble jobben noe mer omfattende enn først tenkt. Grunnarbeidet gjort av tidligere eiere gjorde at jeg måtte konsentrere meg om stua. Jeg fikk heldigvis god hjelp av både Kjell og Norvald, mens Ellen og Silje var ute og shoppet. Vi brukte en god del tid på å være sosiale også slik at jeg må ta turen over om ikke lenge for å gjøre ting ferdig. Sannsynligvis blir jeg nødt til å ordne det slik at jeg kan jobbe i Bergen en ukes tid og så pusse opp på kveldstid.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

To my english readers

Hi all English speaking friends.
I was recently told that I had visitors from America looking at my blogg, so I thought I should write a few words in English as well.
As most I use my blogg to tell about all the special and not so special things in my life. This year has been quite an adventurous one. Ellen and I bought a house and moved from Bergen to Fevik, a small village down south in Norway. A big change living in a 70 square meter flat in Bergen to a 253 square meter house with garage, big backyard and outdoor swimming-pool.
Ellen had to get a new job, while I continued in my old job only to change office location. I am currently working as a consultant for Norsk Hydro a huge aluminium (US. aluminum) company with factories all over the world. This work took me to Kurri Kurri in Australia for some weeks this spring. Earlier work has brought me to several places in Norway, Denmark, Finland, England and Belgium, and I will possibly go on a new trip somewhere in the world during this autumn as well.
Ellen who is a educated singer has started as singing educator in a kindergarten in our local community, she also have some students coming to our house for lessons and do some jobs as freelance artist. Keeps her really busy.
Aug. 4. 2007 we got married!
The evening before the wedding we invited all our guests to a sailing trip with a nice old sailingboat among the skerries. It was a three hour idyllic trip where we served white vine and fresh shrimps from a local fisherman. The next day was the wedding and the wedding reception and festivities at the local hotel.
As for the latest of all good things in my life we are now expecting a child. It's jet to early to say much about this, with only 3 months in the pregnancy, but we are incredible proud and happy.

A short and hasty written story about Ellen and me and the last and most important events in our lives this year.